Cesium- Q&A with Power Metals Corp CEO Haydn Daxter

Power Metals Corp is a Canadian exploration company focused on acquiring, exploring, and developing critical mineral assets—most notably in the lithium and cesium sectors. Its flagship Case Lake Project is located northeastern Ontario.
Q&A with Brian Leni – Discovery vs Cash Flow – 3 stock picks – Contrarian Investment

We would like to first thank Brian Leni, P.Eng Editor at Juniorstockreview for his insights.
Check out Junior Stock Review for more great insight.
Elixir Energy – Expanding in the Taroom Trough Q&A With CEO Neil Young

Elixir Energy Ltd (EXR.AX) (ASX: EXR) is an ASX listed gas exploration and development company. It is currently primarily focused on an appraisal program targeting natural gas in the form of tight gas in Queensland, Australia.